Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Happy New Year

Happy New Year

Well, it IS already February. I wasn't able to blog until recently because I've been very busy with a translating project but I'd like to blog more this year about Japan, Australia, lolita adventures and print ideas. 

I'd like to try some bi-lingual blogging too. It's good practice and I'd like to blog about my experiences in the English-speaking lolita world. 





What are your wardrobe goals for this year?

I want continue creating a cohesive wardrobe, that is, get pieces that coordinate well with each other. 
I started to do this mid-2014 deciding on a base colour scheme of ivory, brown and navy with gold accessories and purchasing items within that scheme. I'll post some of the items I bought last year below. 



Let me know your wardrobe goals for this year!

Or what do you have your eye on at the moment? Me? I missed the boat but I can't stop looking at the Alice and the Pirates Print - Electric Circus in the Moonlight Night. I love both the green and red colour way and the high waist JSK design but I think I would buy the skirt to be safe. 



Until next time...


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